ZTE has transported the longest elements of the Africarium in Wrocław
26 April 2013
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ZTE has delivered the longest elements of the roof structure of the newly constructed Africarium to the Wrocław Zoo.
The elements with a length from 32 to40.5 marrived on special extended semitrailers for the transport of very long loads. Such length is more than a traditional 10-floor block of flats (which is approximately30 min height) or a common truck with a tarpaulin cover, the total length of which is only16.5 m.
The total length of vehicles with the longest elements was44 m. All transports were conducted at night, so the whole logistic mission did not cause traffic difficulties.
See press and television releases regarding our transports.
- http://www.tvn24.pl/wroclaw,44/usuwali-znaki-drogowe-zeby-sie-zmiescic-olbrzymie-dzwigary-dla-zoo-juz-we-wroclawiu,319346.html
- http://www.tvn24.pl/wiadomosci-wroclaw,44/44-metry-dlugosci-i-13-ton-potezne-dzwigary-dotarly-do-zoo,321637.html
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdSbAT-Q-jc&list=UU1H0Rb8kalCzQdM-qvU85Vg&index=1
- http://www.tvp.pl/wroclaw/aktualnosci/rozmaitosci/transport-specjalny-na-budowe-afrykarium/10789374
- http://wroclaw.gazeta.pl/wroclaw/1,35751,13766353.html
- http://www.dziennikzachodni.pl/artykul/879026,slaska-firma-przetransportuje-najdluzsze-elementy-dachu,id,t.html?cookie=1
- http://wroclaw.gazeta.pl/wroclaw/1,35751,13808943,W_nocy_przez_miasto_przejada_olbrzymie_czesci_do_Afrykarium.html